☆Yummy World☆

Yummy World is about our favourite foods, restaurants and some food recipes. We will share the beautiful cuisines of various countries with you :) Enjoy every yummy foods!!

Sunday 3 April 2011

My first post :))

Hello everyone!! this is Suzuka.

i will briefly introduce myself here.

I'm from Japan, yes.. i know we are in a serious situation.. but everything's okay :)) finger cross..xx

I do like to eat a lot especially sweeeeets.. chocolates, lollies etc..:P
but ofcourse my favourite is my cuisine Japanese but also love Chinese foods and many others!!

Today, i will recommend you a nice cafe that i found on the weekend.

It is called 'Maquarie Cafe', located in Macuarie Shopping centre on Level2 near Myer.

We had late lunch there.
They had all-day breakfast, lunch, cakes on the menu.

What we ordered this time are..

*Today's Soup

*Prawns with chips and salad

*Pancakes with bananas and maples for Dessert

All the foods looked amazing, especially the pancakes!!

They decorated it so nicely and it all tasted good.

It was first time coming to this cafe and i loved it.

i recommend all you guyz to have a try the meals there.

We will keep updated with the yummy foods..


Posted by Suzuka

Links to macuarie cafe :

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